I’ve been doing a lot of revisiting of Tommy and Brittany’s relationship and I came across this scene that was a huge turning point in their relationship. I love what Tommy told her and I just adore their relationship. _________________________________________________________________________________________ “Can I sit with you?” Tommy asked her as he walked outside. She wiped her …
Nothing Matters and If Only
Both books are doing really well and both are free for now. Please check them out and take a look if you haven’t already. Thank you all so much!
A preview of Heartbroken…
This is from the beginning of Heartbroken. It is part of a chapter and it deals with Jack soon after he learns of what happened to Julie. ************************************************************************************************************** Jack staggered into the hall and tried to make his way back to Stephanie. He slid down to the floor as the air left his body. (The …
Thank you for reading!
Thank you all so much for stopping by and reading my blog and most importantly my books. What would you like to read next? Another interview? A Preview? A question and answer session with me? Let me know:) I’ll be sharing more of my favorite scenes, too !
Sabrina and David :)
A little fun for you… Presenting an interview with Sabrina and David! 1. What is something Mommy always says to you? Sabrina: I love you. David: I bwave 2. What makes Mommy happy? Sabrina: Chocolate and daddy David: Jelly donuts 3. What makes Mommy sad? Sabrina: When I color on the wall. David: When I …
Mike and Jade
A Mike and Jade interview! Enjoy 1. Why do you two look so uncomfortable? Mike looks at Jade and grins. Mike: We aren’t really ‘spotlight’ people. Jade: We like to be on the sidelines more, observe and help I guess. 2. Well then we can start there. Mike, tell me how you met Bill? Why …
A favorite Scene…
Mike and Jade’s interview is coming tonight, but I have been thinking a lot about Julie’s relationship with Tommy and Jack for a lot of reasons. I adore writing the flashbacks, but some of the scenes in the novels that are present day also show how much of a family they have truly become. This is …
Bill and Julie
Bill and Julie Kastan…Interview #3 1. What was the first thing that attracted you to each other? Bill: I loved how she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but at the bar. I was the same way and when I looked at her, I just felt like she got me. When she sang, I …
Interview part two :)
A character interview with Jack and Stephanie Stephens. 1. When you wake up in the morning what’s the first thing you do? Jack: Look at my beautiful wife and thank my lucky stars. Steph rolls her eyes and laughs Steph: I roll over and go back to bed. 2. What do you like best about …
Tommy and Brittany
Few more fun pics