As a writer, I am always trying to bring realism to my novels. When it comes to writing a series, I have discovered a deep understanding of the characters through the numerous trials and tribulations I have found them in. As a writing activity, and one I do with my own students, I “interview” my …
What do you want to know about our favorite duo?
I am putting together a fun Q and A with the characters. I’ll be focusing on Tommy and Britt today, but more soon. I did this for a fun “characters take over” blog party once and I thought I would do something similar for today. I’ll post it all tonight, but if you could talk …
Happy Anniversary!
In honor of Tommy and Brittany’s 3rd wedding anniversary tomorrow, here is a copy of their wedding invitation I made as writing inspiration. Some fun things coming tomorrow and some “behind the scenes” fun with the characters!
Another favorite scene
This is a scene from “Heaven’s Tiny Tears” When Julie was having some trouble with her kidneys. I love writing the scenes between Tommy, Jack and Bill when it has to do with Julie. Enjoy! ________________________________________________________________________________________ He had always known her to be a pillar of strength and tenacity. She was also full of compassion …
More Favorite Scenes
The following is from book 4, “The Unexpected”. It is one of my favorite scenes and I hope you liked it as well! ________________________________________________________________________________ Stephanie looked at Jack and then at Julie. “So Julie, we have something we need help with.” Julie looked at her. “Of course, what do you need?” Stephanie glanced at Brittany …
The Past…
This is a never published flashback. There are a few of these I will be sharing in the next few days. Enjoy! (The past) Julie was nervous. She was going to Bill’s apartment for dinner and it was the first time he had invited her over like this. They had recently said their I love …
Corporal Michael Stein
An ode to Mike 🙂
Are you ready for the first preview of “Heartbroken” Let me know 🙂
a look back
This is one of my favorite scenes from “If Only” What are some of yours? —————————————————————————————————————– It was hard to breathe through the thick air and Tommy had been walking for over an hour. He was wet and tired and exhausted and lost. He had tried his cell phone a few times but received no …
Stop by!
Stop by the link below at 4pm ET and I’ll be the featured author- lots of giveaways and fun!