I’m getting ready to reveal the cover and title for book 23. I know a lot of people have concerns about where this book will take the characters, but I hope you will go along with me for the ride! Any specific questions I can answer? I will be posting another preview as well 🙂
Just like people, when characters are quiet for too long, I worry. After writing this series for so long, the characters have a way of making their voices heard when I am simply living my life. Sometimes they start talking while I’m teaching a lesson and I make a mental note to write down what …
If you’re ready…
I have some interesting insight into book 23 if you are ready… It’s a book unlike any other in the series. Are you ready?
Happy New Year
Someone recently asked me about my choices for couples when making the series. I have answered that question a few times, and I think I’ve tried to explain my reasoning for why I paired certain couples together. One thing that I don’t think I really ever discussed was the influence certain things have had on the development …
Now Available!
Pick up your copy of book 22 today! Defining Moment now available!
Book 22!
I hope I have done that for you. Enjoy book 22. Click the image to purchase your copy.
A little Christmas flashback
Merry Christmas! Here is a little flashback to the first Christmas after Tommy and Julie lost their parents. I wrote it for today, and I hope you enjoy it! ________________________________________________________________________________________ The Past Julie woke up and stared at the ceiling. She hated this day. It was Christmas and she hated every part of it. Her …
A little insight
November and December are hard. I remember growing up and loving this time of year. Thanksgiving was the best holiday because it was all about family and celebrating the love and happiness all around us. My dad adored Thanksgiving and he always made sure we were together and had the best dinner. When I was …
First off- congratulations to Taylor Conklin and Georgie West! You both win an autographed copy of Defining Moment before it’s released. Please send your address to rnadler103@aol.com and I will get the books out asap 🙂 Now onto the answers… How did Stephanie and Jack find out they were pregnant with Sabrina? Brittany told them before …
Trivia part two
Okay, here are the questions for night two of trivia! I don’t know why the replies from day 1 aren’t showing up, but I will copy and paste them if I can’t figure it out. In the meantime, Here you go! What were the names of the swingers Brittany and Tommy met while at the Poconos? When …