
More questions!

Okay- here you go!

Question 1: Who initially tried to set up Megan with Tommy?

Question 2: Why is Brittany so opposed to being photographed? When do we learn about this?

Question 3: When was the first time Tommy heard Brittany sing?


These are all fairly easy…part two coming soon 🙂


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  1. Shante H says:

    Jack tried to set up Megan with Tommy.
    Brittany is opposed to being photographed because when she was kidnapped during that ordeal they took pictures of what they did to her & hung them in the room she was kept in.

  2. I think this time I goy # 3. When Tommy was in a coma after his accident he heared Brittany singing to him. Said it helpped him find his way back to her.

  3. nadlersnovels says:

    Shante got this one! It was at the Poconos. Tommy gave Brittany her guitar that he had restored and she sang him a song in their room. It was the first time she sang in years. After he was shot, she sang to him and he heard her and it helped him wake up, but that was after the Poconos. 🙂

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