One of my favorite moments between Bill and Julie… _________________________________________________________________________________________ He pulled her to him and held her tightly. She knew how torn up he was about everything and she hated to add to that pain. “I’m okay,” she said softly. He just held her and didn’t say anything. “You’re squishing me,” she said and …
Book 20…
This is a sneak peek at the beginning of book 20… Enjoy! Title and cover reveal coming soon. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Bill and Julie raced behind Hope and they froze when she led them to Josie’s broken bike. Tommy called Tramp over and he sat with them. “Oh God,” Julie said as she sank to the ground. …
Are you ready??
Are you ready for a preview of book 20? I can’t believe I’m working on book 20 already. It seems like I was just starting the series. I will have some fun stuff coming up to share about the characters and a preview if you want one.
A new flashback
Another never before published flashback. Enjoy! __________________________________________________________________________________________ Tommy looked for Jack after school when his friend didn’t show up for a baseball meeting. It had been a month since Jack’s mom had died and they were getting close to graduation and their final season on Varsity. Tommy had won the catcher position and Jack was …
A scene I’m most proud of…
I was looking back at the series and trying to decide which part to dissect. I do that sometimes, when I’m stuck in a certain part of the story or if I feel like I’ve lost the true essence of one of the characters. Sometimes I just like to look back and see how far …
Hi everyone!
I hope you are all having a lovely holiday season. I’m sorry I have been MIA for a bit, but I’m hoping to be back to posting now while I’m home this week. So, what questions do you have now that Left Behind has been out for a month? This is the first book with …
Free for a few days
Click on the picture to purchase books 1-5 for free!
A loss
I am having trouble believing I am writing this, but our beloved Moochie passed away this morning. He was so incredibly loved, and such an important part of our family, as so many of you know. I will post more when I can wrap my mind around this, but I am simply broken; we all …
World AIDS Day
To be honest, when I first decided to make Brittany HIV positive, I never anticipated the feedback I would get-both positive and negative. My motives were actually pretty simple. I wanted to show a character who had been through hell and had overcome. Making Brittany HIV positive brought a lot of layers to the character …
Release day!
I’m so excited and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Let me know how it’s going 🙂