I am so excited to share the cover of my new book. One Love takes the Family by Choice group and moves them ahead six years. The first few books will each focus on one specific couple, much like the first three books of the series did. But this installment is different. It’s darker More …
Naomi Williams
When I asked who people would most like to hear from, the overwhelming response was Naomi. I love that so much, because Naomi is the backbone of the story. The child who never stopped fighting. The one who entered the world against all odds and never looked back. She is the epitome of what family …
Happy Valentine’s Day
Hi everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂 I will be posting an interview with a character this weekend as a Valentine’s special. I will also be posting a never before released scene. Who would you like to hear from? What questions should I answer? Vote below…
Life Happens
Where have I been? That’s a good question. So much as happened over the past few months, it’s hard to put it all into words. For me- that’s saying something. Ending the series on book 30 was something I decided months ago. I was happy with my decision, although it was definitely bittersweet. I knew …
Huge Sale!
Always wanted to start the series but haven’t had time? For a limited time only, Books 1-29 are on sale for only $0.99 each! Pick up your copy today! They also make great gifts 🙂
Giveaway Winners!
Congrats to Taylor C, Betty S, and Frankie P for winning my giveaway! Please email me your address (rnadler103@aol.com) and which paperback you would like me to send to you. Thank you all for being such amazing supporters over the years. Thank you to everyone who commented both here and on my Facebook page and via …
Giveaway and flashback
Read to the end for the giveaway! One thing I love about the series is the ability to tell the story of Tommy and Jack and Julie through flashbacks. It allows everyone to get a glimpse into the way the family formed and the reason their bond is so strong. I intended the flashbacks to …
A giveaway on the way :)
If you have a minute, please answer the following poll. I am going to be doing a giveaway soon and I want to tailor the post based off of your answers. Also- is there a flashback you wish had been written or a scene you really want to see?
Off topic, but necessary
The first time it happened, I was 10. I was told by an adult that I was going to Hell because I didn’t believe in Jesus. I can only imagine my parent’s anger when I told them and they had to make the choice between letting me see my friend and finding a way to …
Jimmy and Sabrina
Jimmy. I love when a character takes a turn I didn’t see coming. Like Stephanie, I always pictured David and Bee growing up, falling in love and living happily ever after. I figured Naomi and Jimmy would do the same. But something changed as they all got older. I began to see that David and …