More information coming soon 🙂 Get those tissues ready…
Life and Stress
These past few months have been pretty stressful. I know that isn’t unusual and everyone has something going on, but for me, in a way, I’ve reached my limit. I spent most of my summer going back and forth to different doctors trying to get a handle on some new symptoms I was experiencing. I …
Release Day Fun!
In honor of “Meant To Be” releasing today, I though I would do an interview with the three leading men of the book. We haven’t really had a chance to chat with them since the series continued, so here we go! Sitting in a coffee house, Robbie, David and Jimmy each nurse their drinks. David …
Meant to Be
Tessa and Robbie. This has been a story I have been thinking about for a long time. There are two characters in the series I have always felt I kind of neglected. Josie is one, but she has a big arc coming up, and Tessa. If I was being honest, I know the reason why. …
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Meant to Be
I am so excited to share the cover for Book 2- Meant to Be (This cover is Tessa and Robbie). More info is on the way, including preorder information. In the meantime, please take a minute to answer the following poll!
Why do I like torturing my characters so much? That’s a question I get asked a lot. And to be honest, I ask myself the same thing. In writing the sequel, I have spent a lot of time re-reading the series. I have been focusing on books 20-30 because I am writing about the kids …
Welcome to the sequel
I am often asked to describe my series to people and it’s hard for me to explain the progression of 30 books. I usually say it is a mix of Grey’s Anatomy and Homeland, with a mix of medical and military stories. But when I think about it, it’s so much more than that. Even …
This is the longest blog post I’ve written, so buckle up and enjoy. I would LOVE your feedback 🙂 I have never really connected my characters with the traditional “bad boy” trope used in a lot of romance novels. Most of my characters have similar connections to the canvas, similar upbringings and are successful in …
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