We are only a few days away from the release of Breaking Point. I want to write a new post for all of you, but I thought I would ask your thoughts about the topic. Would you like to read about: Characters? And if so, who? Anything specific? Story development? Plot secrets? (within reason) Plot …
Pre order for Nook
Click on the picture to preorder for the Nook! If there are any problems, or the preorder doesn’t go through, please let me know and I will send you another copy.
Some thoughts on the end
The number one question I am asked about the Family by Choice series is “When will it be over?” Or “Is this book the last one?” I struggle a lot with this. The self-conscious writer in me wonders if this is an indication that readers want it to end. Maybe they want to know how …
Preorder for Kindle
Click the book cover to preorder Breaking Point for your Kindle. Nook link coming soon!
Breaking Point Release Day
Saturday November 22 will be the release day for Breaking Point! Preorder information coming soon.
Fun party today!
Click the above link and sign on to facebook to chat with me for an hour today! I will be taking over from 3-4 pm EST.
To answer some of the comments from the previous entry…
Here is the scene when Tommy first revealed the letter. It is from book 2 If Only ___________________________________________________________ Tommy looked up at her and smiled. “I just found something in my bag that I didn’t know was there. I had packed this bag for the trip because my other suitcase was at the hospital in …
A piece of my heart
This passage is something very near and dear to my heart. It hasn’t been published yet and I’m not exactly sure if and when it will be, but I really wanted to share it with you. I have written a lot of Tommy’s back story in scenes I haven’t published. Conversations between him and his …
A little Saturday Night Fun
Enjoy this little sneak peek of the past… (The Past) “Why don’t you have a beer and just relax,” Jack said as he watched Tommy pace around the room. “I didn’t do a background check on him. Should I have done a background check? What if he’s wanted in ten states?” Jack smiled. “She went …
Party tonight!
Click the picture to log into facebook and stop by tonight between 6:30 and 7pm when I am featured during the party! Cool chance to win some free books and have some fun 🙂