It’s been forever, I know. I’d like to say I’ve been too busy to update the blog or to share news with you, but like everyone else in the world, I was simply trying to survive this pandemic. Living with an autoimmune disease in the midst of a global pandemic brings out an entirely new …
Huge Sale!!!
All Family By Choice compilations FREE Friday through Monday along with the Beautiful Disaster Compilation
This is a word I have lived with most of my life. Some of my earliest memories include bouts of anxiety. Worrying about the health of my family, something happening while I was in school, the weather, my pets, sickness, danger, the news, friends, you name it, I had anxiety. Growing up, my parents tried …
I know it’s been a while, but the preorder for book 4 is up and ready! Releasing on May 29, 2020 Click for Kindle Click for Nook
To the class of 2020,
As a high school yearbook adviser, I have a unique perspective on the lives of seniors in high school. I preach to my yearbook students that we are the only recorded history book of the school year. We cover all of it, the good and the bad. The highs and the lows. We celebrate accomplishments …
I know it’s been a really long time since we’ve talked. I’m sorry. Things have been a little crazy the last few months with my MS treatment and work and then the pandemic began. I know this is such a scary time and I hope you are all healthy and hanging in there. I have …
Happy Reading!
Desi is now out in all ebook and paperback forms. I hope you are enjoying the book and aren’t too upset at the cliffhanger 🙂 Please leave me any questions or comments you have and if you get a minute, please check out the poll below. Thank you!
World A.I.D.S. Day
December 1 is World AIDS day. A day to draw attention to the constant need for research, funding and education to ensure people who are confronted by this disease are not alone. To ensure they have resources, regardless of their socioeconomic status. To ensure they seek treatment regardless of the stigma still attached. A day …
To my younger self
To the person I was ten years ago today, Today is the worst day of your life; I get it. It is also the beginning of a new normal, although it will take some time to get there. You feel a lot like your life is over. It’s not. It’s forever changed. But you will …
A look inside Desi…
You are a child of the universe,no less than the trees and the stars;you have a right to be here.And whether or not it is clear to you,no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God,whatever you conceive Him to be,and whatever your labors and aspirations,in the noisy confusion …