Happy Saturday
I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! I am so excited at the feedback I have already received for A Father’s Heart and I will have a new blog post up soon! Happy reading š
Release day number 16!
So we are just a few hours from the release of book 16, “A Father’s Heart” and I am excited, but also nervous. This book takesĀ the family in a little bit of a different direction and it’sĀ something I have been wanting to do with for a while. All of the issues they have all faced …
My Inspiration
I love to read. I have always loved to read. I remember growing up and waiting every month for the release of the new Sweet Valley High book and tearing into it, only to finish it in a day and have to wait an agonizing 29 or so more days for the next installment. I …
Almost there!
What would you like to see tonight? I am so happy release day is tomorrow, so I am open to sharing something special tonight. What would you like to see the most? Anyone have any requests?
A little preview!
I hate when Tommy and Julie fight, but this book has them really struggling for so many reasons. I can’t wait for allĀ of you to read this one!
Sergeant Kastan and Corporal Stein
Interview part two: Bill: I feel silly about this. I don’t know that people really care to hear about me alone. “You have no idea how much people admire you, do you?” Bill: I just think there are a lot better people to admire than me. “Well I’d like to ask you a few questions, …