Just a reminder that book 17 will be released on Friday May 22! I have a special preorder price of 99 cents on Amazon until release day, so tell anyone who needs to know:) What can I do for you this week? More unpublished flashbacks? Another preview? Answering questions? Whatever you want, let me know …
Bill and PTSD
I’ve been going through the entire series and pulling out some of my favorite scenes. The one I’m going to share tonight was a very hard one to write. I always love how strong Bill is. He knows right from wrong and he is a man of integrity and honor. The trouble with so many …
Preorder for Kindle
Special price for 1 week only! Click on the picture to preorder book 17 on Amazon
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day! From: Brittany and Naomi Stephanie and Sabrina and Tessa Julie and David and Josie Jade and Eden and Sara Elaine and Mike And of course…
Anyone around?
Quick question… What are some of your favorite flashbacks? I want to do something fun with them for you 🙂
Preorder now available for the Nook
Please click the image to pre order book 17 for your Nook! Kindle link coming soon.
A little more info
As I begin to wind down to the conclusion of the series, I have been taking a lot of time to reflect on the characters from beginning to end. I have gone over who they were back at the creation of the family and who they are now, 17 books later. There is an aspect to the …
Cover Reveal
Stop by tomorrow evening at 7pm Eastern for the cover reveal! I will also be giving a few ‘behind the scenes’ hints about the end of the series. Hope to see you here!
Tomorrow a surprise is coming!
Get ready for the title reveal and a special preview of book 17! As always, I’m ready to answer any questions you may have 🙂