It’s up at Barnes and Noble!!! Finally 🙂
What did you think??
So…Any feedback on A Son’s Anguish??? Almost time for a preview for book 10
Here is the link for Smashwords 🙂
Now available!
Here it is!
Release Date
A Son’s Anguish will be released on June 4th!
A final preview and a request!
Here is a final preview of “A Son’s Anguish”, which will be out in about a month. I would love some feedback on what have been some of your favorite moments in my series. I am meeting with a book club in a few weeks to discuss Tommy and Red and it would be really …
A Son’s Anguish trailer
Here is the link to the new trailer for Book 9!
Preview 2
Here is a chapter from the next installment “A Son’s Anguish” ******* Bill paced in the lobby while they got Julie admitted. He was waiting to go back with her when the rest of the family came in. “How are you doing?” Brittany asked him. “I’m fine. I just want this to be over and …
Preview coming tonight!
In anticipation of the trailer which will be out soon, I will post a preview tonight!