I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! I am so excited at the feedback I have already received for A Father’s Heart and I will have a new blog post up soon! Happy reading š
Release day number 16!
So we are just a few hours from the release of book 16, “A Father’s Heart” and I am excited, but also nervous. This book takesĀ the family in a little bit of a different direction and it’sĀ something I have been wanting to do with for a while. All of the issues they have all faced …
My Inspiration
I love to read. I have always loved to read. I remember growing up and waiting every month for the release of the new Sweet Valley High book and tearing into it, only to finish it in a day and have to wait an agonizing 29 or so more days for the next installment. I …
Almost there!
What would you like to see tonight? I am so happy release day is tomorrow, so I am open to sharing something special tonight. What would you like to see the most? Anyone have any requests?
A little preview!
I hate when Tommy and Julie fight, but this book has them really struggling for so many reasons. I can’t wait for allĀ of you to read this one!
Sergeant Kastan and Corporal Stein
Interview part two: Bill: I feel silly about this. I don’t know that people really care to hear about me alone. “You have no idea how much people admire you, do you?” Bill: I just think there are a lot better people to admire than me. “Well I’d like to ask you a few questions, …
Brittany Rose Williams
Interviewer: A lot of people want to know about your choice of profession. It’s not just the fact that you are HIV positive, but it’s almost as if that pushed your decision to go into obstetrics. Can you tell us about that? I mean what advice would you give to young women in a similar …