Hi everyone! Please check out my 2 new releases starting Monday November 28. The Aftermath, book 9 and a new compilation books 1-4 of The Next Generation.

Hi everyone! Please check out my 2 new releases starting Monday November 28. The Aftermath, book 9 and a new compilation books 1-4 of The Next Generation.
Character breakdown for The Next Generation Tommy and Julie are siblings. Their parents (David and Juliana) were killed by a drunk driver when Tommy was 18 and Julie was 12. Jack is Tommy’s best friend from age 6. Jack’s mother (Amber) died of cancer when Jack was 17 and his father (Ron) ran out on …
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Friday is release day. “Complications” will be my 40th book, the 39th in the series. I was sitting and thinking about that over the past week and I wondered why I never really made a big deal about each new release. I mean, I’m incredibly proud of each book and I have amazing support all …
Sometimes I struggle to write certain characters. Usually it’s because they are stuck in a specific role or they haven’t needed to be present in someone else’s story, but with Bryan, I’ve struggled more than usual. I think a lot of it has to do with Naomi. She is a character I feel a profound …
I can’t wait to share book 7 with everyone. Buckle up- it’s a stressful one 🙂 Click here to preorder your copy today.
Years ago, I conducted interviews with my characters to allow readers to get to know them a little better. It was all in good fun and I received a lot of fun feedback from all of you about what you liked. Since we are deep into the next generation, I thought I would take a …
Hi everyone! I am looking for a few people who want to beta read my next book. It is a retelling/completely revamped story of Tommy and Brittany. It is the shell of If Only, but very pared down from other characters and many more scenes have been added. If you are interested, I will send …