
Flashback to the past

Here is a never printed flashback to when Tommy and Jack were in their element raising Julie.



Julie ran to the attendance office after she got a note to come immediately. She was fighting the urge to vomit out of worry and when she saw Tommy, relief flooded through her, but then panic.

“What happened? Where is Jack? Was there an accident? Is he dead?” Her words rushed out in a panic and the secretary walked out, giving them some privacy.

Tommy smiled at his 15-year-old sister.

“Calm down, Jules, everyone is okay.”

“Then why are you here? Why would you come and get me in the middle of the day?” her tears fell and he hugged her.

“I’m sorry you got so scared. I came to get you because Jack is in the hospital and I wanted you to know before,” he was cut off when she pushed away.

“I knew it. What happened? Is he okay? Are you trying to tell me he’s gone?”

“No, for goodness sake. Okay, you really need to relax. I’m trying to tell you what’s happening,” Tommy said calmly.

She sat down and looked at him, her leg bouncing.

“He slammed his hand in a door and broke two fingers. He had to have a procedure where they set the fracture because of the angle of the break. He is in recovery and I thought it would be nice if we took him home together. He’s struggling a lot with this.”

“He broke his fingers? That’s it?” she asked.

Tommy smiled and sat next to her.

“I told you he was okay. It’s just that he’s freaking out a bit about this.”

“Because it’s his hand,” Julie said. “He’s worried about doing surgery, isn’t he?”

Tommy nodded.

“I think he needs a distraction. Can you help me with that?”

Julie smiled.

“Of course.”

Tommy looked at her and smiled.

“You might not want to always jump to worse case scenarios. You’ll get an ulcer.”

She wiped her eyes and shrugged.

“Once it happens, it’s hard not to always go there.”

He rubbed her back and nodded.

“You’re right. I’m sorry you got so scared.”

She sniffed and smiled.

“Let’s go help Jack.”


They left and drove back to the hospital. Julie left her bag in the car and they went in and Tommy took her to where Jack was.

They walked in and Jack was asleep in the bed. Julie froze and her tears came again.

“Hey, he’s okay,” Tommy said and smiled. “Go talk to him.”

She walked to the bed and touched his arm. He opened his eyes and smiled at her.

“Hey Julie Bean,” he said a little groggy. “Shouldn’t you be in school?”

“Are you okay?” she asked brokenly.

He looked at Tommy who shrugged and smiled.

“I’m okay. I think I can go home,” he said. “Were you worried about me?”

She sniffed and looked at her hands.

“Not really,” she lied. “I just figured you would be freaking out so I told Tommy we should come help you.”

Tommy grinned and looked at Jack.

“We’re going to take you home and Julie is going to make dinner.”

Jack looked horrified.

“But I don’t want to die,” he said.

She rolled her eyes and laughed.

“Very nice. I’ll have you know I can call and order a pizza.”

Tommy laughed and looked at them.

“That you can.”


Later that evening, Jack was relaxing at home and Tommy was cleaning up after their pizza dinner. Julie had gone to her room and both men knew she was especially quiet.

Jack made his way to her room and knocked on the open door. She was sitting and staring out the window. He saw her wipe her eyes when she turned to him.

“Can I come in?”

She nodded.

He walked to the chair by her desk and sat down.

“What’s going on? You seem so sad.”

She shrugged and smiled a small smile.

“I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“It was just a simple procedure. I was just mad at myself for getting hurt in the first place. This is seriously going to put a crimp in my surgery rotation.”

She nodded.

“How long will you have to wait?”

“Probably just two weeks. I just had a bit of a temper tantrum and I freaked your brother out. In hindsight, it’s not a big deal. I’ll just switch a few rotations and observe more. It will be fine.”

Julie walked to him and crossed her arms.

“You’re not allowed to do this again.”

Jack stifled a smile at her face. She was adorable when she tried to be mad at him.

“Do what? Break my fingers?”

“No, scare me. I need you and Tommy. You are my home.”

He stood up and held her shoulder with his good hand.

“I’m sorry you were scared. I’m okay, I promise,” he smiled softly, touched by her sincerity.

“I know I act all tough and tom boyish, but you two are everything to me. I don’t think I would make it if anything happened to either one of you.”

Jack nodded and hugged her.

“I promise we’ll always be here for you.”

She sniffed and stood back.

“You can’t make a promise like that. It’s not true.”

“Don’t underestimate the power of Jack Stephens,” he said and winked.

She laughed and nodded.

“Okay. Let’s go back downstairs.”

He smiled and put his arm around her as they walked out.

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